Abortion Rights and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Politics

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
President Joe Biden and Democrats are expected to promote abortion rights, including in vitro fertilization, during the State of the Union address. They aim to paint Republicans as extreme and blame former President Donald Trump for the end of Roe v. Wade. The Democrats plan to bring guests with tragic abortion stories and IVF experts to advance their political agenda.

Key Points

  • Democrats using State of the Union address to promote abortion rights and IVF
  • Blaming Republicans and Trump for anti-abortion laws
  • Bringing guests with tragic abortion stories to push political agenda
  • Confusion created by lumping elective abortions with other medical procedures under 'reproductive health'
  • Efforts by Republicans to fight abortion misinformation and educate healthcare professionals
  • Alabama Supreme Court ruling on frozen embryos as unborn children causing controversy


  • Advocating for expanded access to abortion rights
  • Raising awareness about IVF and its importance


  • Using tragic stories for political gain
  • Spreading misinformation about abortion laws