AI-generated deceptive images related to political candidates and voting

Generative AI tools have been found to create deceptive images related to political candidates and voting, raising concerns about election disinformation. Non-profit CCDH tested various AI models and found that 41% of cases resulted in generating election disinformation images. Companies like OpenAI and Microsoft are working to combat potentially harmful AI content.

Key Points

  • Generative AI tools have the potential to be misused for creating deceptive images related to political figures and voting.
  • CCDH report highlights concerns about the spread of election disinformation through AI-generated content.
  • Companies like Microsoft and OpenAI are taking steps to address the issue and combat harmful AI content.


  • AI tools can generate text, images, sounds, and lines of code from simple inputs in everyday language.
  • Companies like OpenAI and Microsoft are pledging to combat harmful AI content and misuse.


  • 41% of tested AI models generated election disinformation images, raising concerns about fraud and misleading content.
  • There are instances of AI image generators unintentionally creating harmful or bias content, such as sexually objectifying women or promoting political bias.