Boat Collision near PortMiami

A tourist from New York inadvertently recorded a boat collision near PortMiami on Feb. 11, 2024, that resulted in 13 people being hurt. The collision is being investigated for negligence and involved a tour boat operated by Thriller Miami Speedboat Adventures and a 43-foot luxury boat believed to be operating as an illegal charter.

Key Points

  • Tourist from New York inadvertently recorded the collision for Instagram.
  • Tour boat operated by Thriller Miami Speedboat Adventures and a 43-foot luxury boat collided near PortMiami.
  • Law firm representing victims intends to hold both vessels responsible for the incident.
  • Video evidence to be used in pending civil lawsuit to prove negligence.
  • One of the injured individuals was airlifted to the hospital.


  • Video evidence may help prove negligence in a pending civil lawsuit.
  • Awareness raised about boat safety and regulation.


  • 13 people were hurt in the collision.
  • Speculation and curiosity may lead to assumptions before all facts are established.