Chemical Attack on Former Russian Spy

The international chemical weapons watchdog confirmed that a former Russian spy and his daughter were poisoned with a nerve agent in the UK. Russia denies involvement, and Britain accuses Russia of waging a defamation campaign. The nerve agent used was of high purity, indicating a state with a sophisticated laboratory. The OPCW's report did not assign blame but confirmed the UK's findings.

Key Points

  • Confirmation of nerve agent use in the attack
  • Russia denies involvement, UK accuses Russia of waging a defamation campaign
  • The nerve agent was of high purity, pointing to a state with advanced capabilities
  • The OPCW's report did not assign blame but confirmed the UK's findings


  • Confirmation by the international chemical weapons watchdog of the nerve agent used in the attack
  • Scientific analysis supporting the UK's claims about the nerve agent


  • Ongoing denial by Russia of involvement in the attack
  • Lack of a smoking gun sample to directly link the nerve agent to Russia