Climate Change and Ocean Heat Absorption

The article discusses the impact of human activities on the Earth's climate system, particularly focusing on the significant role oceans play in absorbing heat from the greenhouse effect. It highlights the consequences of this heat absorption, such as melting ice, coral bleaching, and rising sea levels, as well as the intensification of hurricanes due to warmer ocean temperatures.

Key Points

  • Oceans have absorbed approximately ninety-three per cent of the extra heat trapped by the greenhouse effect
  • Human activities have caused the ocean to absorb heat equivalent to a Hiroshima-size nuclear bomb every second and a half in the past century and a half
  • Warmer ocean temperatures contribute to the intensification of hurricanes and other extreme weather events


  • Raises awareness about the critical role oceans play in regulating the Earth's climate
  • Provides insight into the consequences of human-induced climate change on marine ecosystems


  • Highlights the alarming rate at which oceans are absorbing heat, leading to detrimental impacts on the environment