Founder of Casa Ruby Charged with Stealing Relief Funds

The founder of Casa Ruby, a non-profit serving homeless LGBTQ youths, has been charged with stealing $150,000 in taxpayer-backed pandemic relief funds after fleeing to El Salvador amid financial irregularities. The organization ceased operations in July 2022.

Key Points

  • Ruby Corado diverted $150,000 of emergency relief funds to personal accounts in El Salvador.
  • Corado faces charges of bank fraud, wire fraud, and failure to file a report of a foreign bank account.
  • Casa Ruby received grants totaling $9.6 million from city agencies between 2016 and 2022.
  • The organization had an annual revenue of over $4 million in 2020.


  • Casa Ruby provided essential services to homeless LGBTQ youths, particularly Latin transgender individuals.


  • The founder, Ruby Corado, is facing serious charges of defrauding relief programs and money laundering.
  • Financial irregularities led to the closure of Casa Ruby in July 2022.