President Joe Biden's State of the Union speech preparation

President Joe Biden spent hours at Camp David honing a State of the Union speech that will address various topics, including the war in Ukraine, China, abortion, immigration, and trade. His preparations involved a team of aides, a historian, and extensive editing to ensure clarity and reflect Biden's voice.

Key Points

  • Biden's speech will cover topics such as the war in Ukraine, China, abortion, immigration, and trade
  • Extensive editing and input from a team of aides and a historian
  • Focus on clarity and avoiding acronyms or jargon


  • Detailed preparation process involving experienced aides and a historian
  • Focus on clarity and ensuring the speech reflects Biden's voice
  • Efforts to make the speech digestible and relatable to most Americans


  • Pressure to address a range of important topics effectively
  • Potential for political outbursts or heckling during the speech