2024 Presidential Election and Economy

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
As Biden tries to hold on to the White House, more than 60% of Americans say they disapprove of his handling of the economy. Some swing state voters say the economy will affect their vote. President Biden and former President Trump are anticipated to face off in the 2024 presidential race. Despite this, a majority of Americans don't like either candidate. The economy is a significant issue for voters in the upcoming election, with many disapproving of Biden's handling of inflation and the economy.

Key Points

  • Economy is a significant factor for voters in the 2024 election.
  • Swing state voters say the economy will impact their vote.
  • Inflation is down from its high in 2022.
  • Unemployment is at 3.7%.


  • Unemployment and inflation in the U.S. are low.
  • Efforts on student loan forgiveness and infrastructure investments are being considered for economic policy.
  • Good signs for the economy.


  • More than 60% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.
  • Majority of Americans don't like either candidate (Biden or Trump).
  • Consumers feel negatively about the economy despite actual economic improvements.