102-year-old Woman Organizes Canned Food Drive for Birthday

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Trudy Handleman, a 102-year-old woman in Iowa, celebrated her birthday by organizing a canned food drive and collected 402 cans for a local food pantry. Giving back to the community is essential for well-being and longevity.

Key Points

  • Giving back to the community can improve well-being and longevity.
  • Acts of philanthropy help individuals connect with others and find purpose in life.
  • Research shows that having a sense of purpose is important for aging well.


  • Trudy Handleman's act of organizing a canned food drive at 102 years old is inspirational and heartwarming.
  • The community came together to support Trudy's initiative, showing the power of unity and kindness.
  • Acts of goodwill and philanthropy, like Trudy's food drive, have positive impacts on both the giver and the receiver.