Bus Driver Saves Residents from Burning Buildings

SOURCE npr.org
Anastasios Adamopoulos, a bus driver in Chicago, stopped his bus to help rescue people from burning buildings in the early hours of the morning. He and his passenger alerted the residents and ensured everyone got out safely before firefighters arrived.

Key Points

  • Anastasios Adamopoulos and his passenger ran towards the burning buildings to warn the people inside, risking their own safety
  • They ensured all 14 residents inside were safely evacuated onto the bus before firefighters arrived
  • Adamopoulos stayed with the rescued individuals until emergency crews and family members arrived to care for them
  • Adamopoulos resumed his bus route after the incident, stating it was his duty to help


  • Quick thinking and brave actions of Anastasios Adamopoulos and his passenger helped save 14 people from the burning buildings
  • All residents, including children and a neighbor with dementia, were safely evacuated thanks to their intervention