Debate Over Harsh Sentences for Fentanyl Traffickers in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Democrats oppose harsh mandatory minimum prison sentences for fentanyl traffickers, arguing that the 'tough on crime' approach doesn't work. Republicans advocate for mandatory minimums to combat the fentanyl epidemic.

Key Points

  • New Hampshire Senate passed a bill for a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for fentanyl distribution.
  • Democrats oppose the bill, citing the ineffectiveness of the 'war on drugs.'
  • Additional legislation includes mandatory minimums for fatal fentanyl overdoses and drug possession of certain amounts.
  • Republicans believe mandatory sentences are necessary to combat the fentanyl epidemic.


  • Setting mandatory minimum prison sentences may deter fentanyl traffickers.
  • Tougher laws could potentially reduce the distribution of fentanyl.


  • Democrats argue that the 'tough on crime' approach has not been effective in the past.
  • Some legislators believe that mandatory minimums do not consider individual circumstances and can be unforgiving.