Migrant Imposters Arrested at Juarez-Lincoln Port of Entry in Laredo, Texas

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Customs and Border Protection officers at the Juarez-Lincoln Port of Entry in Laredo, Texas, arrested migrants attempting to assume the identity of U.S. citizens by using fake or valid birth certificates. The imposters were caught and arrested for immigration law violations.

Key Points

  • Migrants were caught using fake or valid birth certificates that did not belong to them to enter the U.S.
  • CBP officers at Juarez-Lincoln Port of Entry in Laredo, Texas, thwarted multiple attempts by migrants to use identity documents fraudulently.
  • Immigration law violations such as being an impostor, using fraudulent documents, and falsely claiming U.S. citizenship may result in arrest, prosecution, and incarceration.


  • CBP officers successfully detected and arrested migrant imposters attempting to use fake or valid identity documents.
  • Prevention of potential illegal entry into the United States by individuals using fraudulent means.


  • Potential risk to national security and border integrity posed by individuals attempting to assume false identities.
  • Increase in immigration law violations at various ports of entry in Texas.