Murder of 96-Year-Old Woman in Santa Barbara County

Fox News reports on the murder of a 96-year-old woman in Santa Barbara County, California, with four suspects identified, including an illegal immigrant. The suspects face charges ranging from murder to elder abuse and fraud, with the primary suspect accused of unlawfully gaining control over the victim's assets. The victim, Violet Alberts, was found dead in her home, and her death was ruled a homicide.

Key Points

  • Four suspects identified in the murder case
  • Primary suspect accused of elder abuse, fraud, and manipulation of legal documents
  • Victim targeted for her wealth
  • Victim found dead in her home, death ruled a homicide


  • Identification of suspects in the murder case
  • Charges brought against the suspects


  • Tragic loss of a 96-year-old woman
  • Deception and manipulation leading to the murder