Former Mar-a-Lago Employee Speaks Out About Trump Investigation

A former Mar-a-Lago employee, Brian Butler, who is a key witness in the investigation into former President Donald Trump's handling of classified documents, spoke out in an exclusive interview with CNN. He shared details about his role in helping move boxes of classified information from Mar-a-Lago to Trump's plane and his interactions with Trump and his aides. Butler decided to go public to share the truth with voters before the November election.

Key Points

  • Butler helped move boxes of classified information from Mar-a-Lago to Trump's plane, unaware of the contents.
  • He decided to speak out to share what he knows about the obstruction case against Trump.
  • Butler's close relationship with Trump's former aide, Carlos De Oliveira, changed as De Oliveira became a target in the investigation.
  • Trump allegedly attempted to keep De Oliveira loyal by providing him with legal representation.
  • The investigation has strained relationships among former Mar-a-Lago employees and friends.


  • Brian Butler provides crucial testimony to federal investigators regarding the handling of classified documents by former President Donald Trump and his associates.
  • Butler's decision to speak out publicly shows his commitment to sharing the truth with the public before the November election.


  • The situation has caused a rift between Butler and his former friend and colleague, Carlos De Oliveira, who is also involved in the investigation.
  • The unfolding events have disrupted the lives of Butler, De Oliveira, and other Mar-a-Lago employees who have been caught up in the investigation.