Invasive Plant Species in the U.S.

Invasive plants in the U.S. can lay dormant for decades before rapidly expanding, posing serious threats to local ecosystems. A new study reveals that nearly a third of invasive plant species worldwide have long delay periods before becoming a problem. Understanding these dormancy periods is crucial for managing invasive species and preventing economic losses.

Key Points

  • Many invasive plant species in the U.S. can remain dormant for decades before rapidly expanding
  • Understanding the dormancy periods is crucial for effective management and prevention
  • Climate differences between introduction and expansion play a significant role in the delayed growth of invasive plants


  • Study sheds light on the dormancy periods of invasive plant species
  • Helps in understanding the challenges posed by invasive plants
  • Provides insights for better management and prevention strategies


  • Invasive plants can outcompete native species and disrupt ecosystems
  • May lead to allergic reactions and respiratory issues in humans
  • Threaten agricultural crops and livestock