The Growing Prepper Community in America

The number of preppers, individuals preparing for survival in times of political upheaval and natural disasters, has doubled to about 20 million since 2017. This growth includes minorities and left-of-center individuals who feel a sense of insecurity due to various events. The prepper community is now more diverse, reflecting American society at large.

Key Points

  • Number of preppers has doubled to about 20 million since 2017
  • Diversification of prepping community to include minorities and left-of-center individuals
  • Motivated by events like the 2016 election, pandemic, extreme weather, and racial justice protests
  • Individual preppers seek to regain agency and control in uncertain times
  • Preppers come from various political beliefs and demographic categories
  • Preppers engage in activities like growing their own food, disaster preparedness, and building bunkers


  • Increased self-reliance and preparedness for disasters
  • Diversification of the prepper community to include minorities and left-of-center individuals
  • Growing awareness of the importance of being able to depend on oneself


  • Association of prepping with extreme viewpoints and movements in the past
  • Potential for misunderstanding or stereotyping of preppers