Anti-abortion movement's opposition to IVF legislation

The anti-abortion movement is turning on Republican lawmakers who support bills to protect in vitro fertilization, accusing them of sanctioning murder. Republicans are divided on the issue, with some supporting IVF as a 'pro-life' position while others see it as a violation of conservative principles. Anti-abortion groups are pushing back against IVF legislation, arguing that it allows the destruction of human embryos.

Key Points

  • Republicans facing backlash from anti-abortion groups over IVF legislation.
  • Debate over IVF legislation highlights a deeper divide in the conservative movement.
  • Anti-abortion groups emphasize the need for oversight and restrictions on IVF practices.


  • Some Republicans support IVF as a 'pro-life' position.
  • IVF is supported by 86% of voters based on recent polling.


  • Anti-abortion groups accuse lawmakers supporting IVF bills of sanctioning murder.
  • Divide among Republicans on what it means to be 'pro-life.'