Attack on Leonid Volkov, Ally of Alexei Navalny

Leonid Volkov, a close ally and top strategist of late opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was attacked near his home in Lithuania's capital Vilnius. The assailant smashed a window of Volkov's car, sprayed tear gas into his eyes, and hit him with a hammer. Volkov was later taken to a hospital. This incident occurred nearly a month after Navalny's unexplained death in a remote Arctic penal colony.

Key Points

  • Leonid Volkov, a key figure in Alexei Navalny's team, was attacked near his home in Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • The assailant smashed a window of Volkov's car, sprayed tear gas into his eyes, and hit him with a hammer.
  • The attack occurred nearly a month after Navalny's death in a penal colony, sparking concerns and condemnation.
  • Volkov had been a significant part of Navalny's anti-corruption campaign and opposition activities against the Russian government.
  • The incident highlights the ongoing risks faced by individuals associated with Navalny's team.