Boeing Erasing Security Footage of Repairs on Alaska Airlines Flight

Boeing erased security footage of repairs done on an Alaska Airlines flight before a door plug blew out mid-flight, sparking a federal probe into airline safety. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the incident and the lack of records complicating the investigation.

Key Points

  • Boeing erased security footage of repairs done on an Alaska Airlines flight
  • NTSB is investigating the incident involving a door plug blowing out mid-flight
  • Concerns raised about safety incidents and decision-making by Alaska Airlines
  • Former Boeing technician reveals pressure to make quick fixes and not document mistakes
  • Whistleblower's death raises questions about production practices at Boeing


  • National Transportation Safety Board investigating the incident for airline safety
  • Highlighted safety concerns and potential issues with Boeing's manufacturing processes


  • Boeing's erasure of security footage complicating the investigation
  • Lack of records documenting repair work on the plane