Crisis in Haiti

Haiti is in crisis due to a power vacuum, armed groups, and foreign intervention, leading to violence, displacement, and starvation. The country has not held elections in 8 years, and a transitional government may be formed by outsiders, sparking backlash from residents and advocates for Haitian-led solutions.

Key Points

  • Power vacuum after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in 2021.
  • Armed groups and militias have increased violence and control in the country.
  • Foreign intervention, including from the U.S., has been criticized by Haitian advocates and scholars.
  • Haitians and supporters advocate for Haitian-led solutions and denounce further foreign military presence.


  • International attention may lead to potential solutions and aid for Haiti's crisis.


  • Foreign intervention and lack of Haitian-led solutions have contributed to the current chaotic situation in Haiti.
  • Armed groups have taken control of significant parts of the country, leading to violence, displacement, and fear among the population.