Russia's Readiness to Use Nuclear Weapons

Vladimir Putin stated that Russia is prepared to use nuclear weapons if necessary. He mentioned that the country's doctrine allows for such actions in specific scenarios, although he has never felt the need to use them in the conflict with Ukraine. The U.S. also possesses nuclear weapons but is unlikely to initiate a nuclear war. Russia closely monitors U.S. nuclear activities and would respond to any nuclear drills conducted by the U.S.

Key Points

  • Putin stated that Russia is prepared to use nuclear weapons if there is a perceived danger to the country's statehood, sovereignty, or independence.
  • The U.S. also has nuclear weapons, but Putin emphasized that possessing them does not imply an immediate nuclear war.
  • Russia closely monitors U.S. nuclear activities and would respond to any nuclear drills conducted by the U.S.


  • Russia's clear stance on nuclear weapons may deter potential threats against its sovereignty and independence.


  • The possibility of Russia resorting to nuclear weapons raises concerns about global security and the potential for escalation in conflicts.