Illinois Plans to Cut Health Insurance Programs for Non-Citizens and Illegal Immigrants Due to Soaring Costs

Illinois officials are planning to cut state-funded health insurance programs for non-citizens and illegal immigrants due to soaring costs, with at least 6,000 individuals set to lose coverage. The state had initially estimated a budget of $220 million for the programs, but costs ballooned to over $1 billion. The move aims to save the state over $13 million by removing ineligible recipients.

Key Points

  • State-funded health insurance programs facing budget overrun
  • At least 6,000 people to lose coverage due to eligibility changes
  • State aims to save over $13 million by cutting out ineligible recipients


  • Aims to save the state money by cutting ineligible recipients
  • Addresses the issue of rising costs in state-funded health insurance programs


  • At least 6,000 individuals are set to lose health insurance coverage
  • Controversy surrounding which benefits should be extended to those in the country illegally