Jimmy Chérizier's Violent Campaign in Haiti

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
Jimmy Chérizier, a former Haitian police officer turned gangster, is leading a violent campaign to seize control of Haiti, resulting in mass violence and chaos in the country.

Key Points

  • Chérizier has a messianic vision of his role in Haiti, likening himself to historical figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Fidel Castro.
  • He is closely allied with the Haitian Tèt Kale Party, one of the most powerful political parties in Haiti.
  • Chérizier's actions have directly contributed to the chaos and violence in Haiti.


  • Chérizier is from an impoverished background and understands the struggles of the ghetto.
  • His actions have led to the resignation of the Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, who was a key demand of Chérizier's coalition.
  • Chérizier has been successful in seizing control of large parts of Port-au-Prince.


  • Chérizier has a history of staging brutal massacres and causing mass violence in Haiti.
  • His actions have led to a humanitarian crisis and economic paralysis in the country.
  • Chérizier's use of violence and armed gangs has resulted in loss of life and destruction.