Lawsuit Against U.S.-Based Nonprofit for Funding Hamas

American survivors and family members of victims of a Hamas attack in Israel are suing a U.S.-based nonprofit for knowingly providing material support to Hamas. The lawsuit alleges that the nonprofit raised millions for UNRWA, which has been accused of aiding Hamas. The plaintiffs seek accountability and justice for the terrorist attack that killed over 1,200 people in southern Israel.

Key Points

  • Plaintiffs allege that the U.S.-based nonprofit knowingly funded Hamas activities
  • Over 1,200 people were killed in the Hamas attack in southern Israel
  • UNRWA, the recipient of the funds, has been accused of supporting Hamas
  • Senators demand a criminal investigation into the nonprofit for supporting terrorism


  • Seeking accountability for terrorist activities
  • Raising awareness about potential misuse of donations


  • Loss of innocent lives in terrorist attack
  • Allegations of aid to terrorist organizations