Former President Trump's Inconsistencies with TikTok and Billionaire Backers

Former President Trump has shown a pattern of changing his stance on TikTok based on the interests of billionaire backers, with Larry Ellison and Jeffrey Yass being key figures. Trump's inconsistency could influence how security concerns around TikTok are addressed in Washington. The article also discusses the potential impact of Trump's relationship with billionaires on his China policies.

Key Points

  • Trump's support for TikTok appears to align with the interests of billionaire donors Larry Ellison and Jeffrey Yass
  • His inconsistency on TikTok policies could affect how security concerns around the app are addressed in Washington
  • The article highlights the potential implications of Trump's relationship with billionaires on his China policies


  • Insight into the influence of billionaire donors on political decisions
  • Discussion on the potential impact of Trump's stance on TikTok on national security


  • Potential manipulation of policies for personal gain
  • Questions raised about the ethical considerations in political decision-making