Coachella 2024 lineup backlash and ticket sales

Coachella faces backlash and slow ticket sales due to delayed lineup announcement, lackluster headliners, and high prices. Fans criticize festival's inability to deliver iconic lineups and unique experiences. Industry struggles to provide sustainable careers for artists and meet fans' expectations.

Key Points

  • Coachella's reputation for iconic lineups and unique experiences is waning
  • Industry struggles to sustain long-term careers for artists
  • Slow ticket sales reflect fans' dissatisfaction with current music festival offerings


  • Coachella offers a unique cultural experience with exclusive performances and surprises
  • Provides a platform for new artists to showcase their talent and build a fanbase


  • Delayed lineup announcement causing frustration among fans
  • Lackluster headliners and second-tier artists affecting ticket sales
  • High ticket prices and additional logistical costs making attendance expensive