Conviction of South Korean Actor O Yeong-su for Sexual Harassment

South Korean actor O Yeong-su, who starred in the first season of 'Squid Game', was convicted of sexual harassment and received a suspended prison sentence. He plans to appeal the decision.

Key Points

  • O Yeong-su convicted of sexual harassment and given a suspended prison sentence
  • Prosecutors sought a one-year prison sentence
  • O Yeong-su plans to appeal the decision
  • Women's rights group in South Korea welcomes the ruling and urges O to apologize
  • O Yeong-su won a Golden Globe for his role in 'Squid Game' in 2022


  • Justice served for the victim of sexual harassment
  • Raises awareness about sexual harassment in the entertainment industry


  • Negative impact on O Yeong-su's career and reputation
  • Continued trauma for the victim