Critique of American exceptionalism in the movie Civil War

British director Alex Garland criticizes American exceptionalism in his upcoming movie Civil War, depicting a United States torn apart by conflict. The movie features a fictional president in his third term who seeks to dismantle the FBI, drawing comparisons to former President Donald Trump. The film is generating controversy for its portrayal of societal breakdown and potential predictive programming.

Key Points

  • Alex Garland challenges the concept of American exceptionalism
  • Civil War imagines a divided United States with a fictional president in his third term
  • The movie draws parallels to real-life political events, including the actions of former President Donald Trump
  • Controversy surrounds the film's portrayal of societal breakdown and potential predictive programming


  • Promotes critical thinking about American exceptionalism
  • Addresses societal and political issues through a fictional lens


  • May be seen as politically divisive
  • Could spark controversy and heated debates