President Joe Biden's Speech at the Gridiron Dinner

President Joe Biden attended the annual 'Gridiron Dinner' in Washington and took shots at former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party while engaging in comedic banter. The event was a mix of skits, songs, and speeches with participants like Jeff Bezos. Biden's speech included jokes about age, debt, and accomplishments, along with serious discussions on impeachment attempts, the 2024 election, and global issues like Russia's actions in Europe.

Key Points

  • Biden poked fun at Trump's age and debt issues
  • Discussed serious topics like democracy under attack and global challenges
  • Engaged in banter with attendees including Jeff Bezos and other political figures


  • President engaging in bipartisan humor
  • Event brings together political and media figures for lighthearted exchanges


  • Potential for jokes to be taken out of context or offend some individuals