Teenage boys and mental health

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
Teenage boys are also struggling with depression and anxiety, but their symptoms may not be as easily detected as in girls. Experts warn that boys are often left undetected and without the necessary help for their mental health issues.

Key Points

  • Boys with depression may not show typical signs like sadness but may exhibit irritability, impulsivity, and risk-taking behavior
  • Antidepressant prescriptions for young men declined during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Boys' mental health issues may go unnoticed due to lack of traditional symptoms
  • Boys struggling with mental health may benefit from physical outlets like running and online gaming


  • Raising awareness about teenage boys' mental health struggles
  • Encouraging parents and caregivers to pay attention to boys' mental health
  • Highlighting the importance of providing support and resources for young men


  • Underdetection and undertreatment of mental health problems in teenage boys
  • Societal normalization of teenage irritability and anger as 'normal' behavior