Arizona's Exclusion of Independent Voters in Presidential Preference Election

Independent voters in Arizona are not permitted to vote in the presidential preference election, unlike other primaries where they have the option to participate. There is a ballot initiative gathering signatures to require parties to either pay for future elections or let independents participate.

Key Points

  • Arizona's presidential preference election is not binding, and delegates are only required to make their best effort to cast votes for the winners of the parties' popular vote
  • There is a ballot initiative gathering signatures to require parties to either pay for future elections or let independents participate


  • Maintains the integrity of party primaries by allowing only registered party members to participate
  • Reflects the choice of Arizona voters who approved a ballot measure in 1998 to let independents play in primaries


  • Excludes a significant portion of the electorate from participating in the selection of presidential nominees
  • Can lead to a lack of representation for independent voters in the election process