Crisis in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Port-au-Prince, Haiti is in a state of turmoil as criminal gangs attack government institutions, leading to a siege at the international airport. Vigilante groups have formed to combat the gangs, resulting in extrajudicial executions and a sense of fear and mistrust among residents. Displacement camps are overcrowded and lacking resources, causing tensions with host communities. The city is plagued by violence, kidnappings, and a lack of political stability.

Key Points

  • Criminal gangs attacking government institutions in Port-au-Prince
  • Vigilante groups engaging in extrajudicial executions
  • Overcrowded displacement camps lacking resources
  • Residents living in fear and self-isolation
  • Tensions between displaced populations and host communities


  • Formation of vigilante groups to combat gangs
  • Communities coming together to defend their neighborhoods
  • Efforts by some residents to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst chaos


  • Extrajudicial executions by vigilante groups
  • Lack of resources in displacement camps
  • High levels of insecurity, fear, and mistrust among residents