Paid Loyalty Programs in the Restaurant and Retail Industry

Paid loyalty programs are becoming popular in the restaurant and retail industry, offering exclusive perks and benefits for a monthly fee. Companies like Chuck E. Cheese and Long Story Short are implementing fee-based loyalty tiers to reward their most loyal customers. Target is launching a paid loyalty program to compete with Amazon Prime. While these programs can increase customer spending and loyalty, some experts warn about the risk of excluding customers who can't afford to join.

Key Points

  • Companies like Chuck E. Cheese and Long Story Short are implementing paid loyalty programs
  • Target is launching a paid loyalty program to compete with Amazon Prime
  • Paid loyalty programs can lead to increased customer spending and loyalty
  • Experts warn about the risk of excluding customers who can't afford to join


  • Increase customer spending and loyalty
  • Offer exclusive perks and benefits
  • Create a sense of belonging and special treatment for loyal customers


  • Risk of excluding customers who can't afford to join
  • Potential for businesses to disguise cost increases or reduce program perks