Air Pollution Crisis in Asia

A new report reveals that all but one of the 100 cities with the worst air pollution in the world are in Asia, with India having the majority. The report highlights the severe health risks posed by high levels of air pollution, particularly PM2.5. The climate crisis is a key factor in exacerbating air pollution levels globally. Measures need to be taken to improve air quality and reduce the impact of air pollution on public health.

Key Points

  • Majority of the most polluted cities are in India
  • Climate crisis plays a pivotal role in worsening air pollution levels globally
  • Measures needed to improve air quality and reduce health risks


  • Increased awareness of the severe health risks associated with air pollution
  • Focus on the need for better air quality standards and regulations
  • Calls for action to address the climate crisis and its impact on air pollution levels


  • Severe health impacts on billions of people worldwide
  • Lack of sufficient monitoring stations in some regions results in a lack of air quality data
  • High levels of air pollution linked to respiratory illnesses, cognitive impairment, and other health issues