Banksy's New Mural in North London

A new Banksy artwork near Finsbury Park in north London depicts a person spray painting tree foliage onto a wall behind a leafless tree. Banksy confirmed the authenticity of the mural. The piece re-foliates a severely pruned tree in the Islington North area.

Key Points

  • Banksy confirmed the authenticity of the mural depicting a person spray painting tree foliage onto a wall behind a leafless tree.
  • The mural is located in the Islington North area of north London.
  • The tree is integral to the mural's design and meaning, making it less attractive to steal.


  • Banksy's artistic talent and creativity are showcased through the new mural.
  • The mural re-foliates a severely pruned tree, adding beauty to the neighborhood.


  • Previous Banksy artworks have been stolen, raising concerns about the security of the new mural.