Climate Change Records Broken in 2023

The World Meteorological Organization reported that every major global climate record was broken in 2023, with concerns about ocean heat and shrinking sea ice. Average temperatures reached the highest level in 174 years, and ocean temperatures were the warmest in 65 years. The report highlighted the impact of climate change driven by fossil fuels and the El Nino climate pattern.

Key Points

  • Every major global climate record was broken in 2023
  • Average temperatures reached the highest level in 174 years
  • Ocean temperatures were the warmest in 65 years
  • Antarctic sea ice experienced a big plunge


  • Increased awareness of the urgency and ambition needed for climate action
  • Highlighting the impact of climate change on ocean heat and sea ice


  • Concerns over the significant warming of ocean temperatures
  • Potential for even worse conditions in 2024