Criticism of Steven Mnuchin's Bid to Buy TikTok

Sen. Ron Wyden criticizes former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin over ties to Middle Eastern money in bid to buy TikTok from Chinese owner. Mnuchin assembling group of investors, including Saudi Arabia and other Gulf state governments. Wyden expresses concern over potential ownership by MAGA Trump crony backed by Saudi Arabia. Mnuchin faces scrutiny for potential fundraising on taxpayer's dime during final days in Trump administration.

Key Points

  • Sen. Ron Wyden criticizes Mnuchin's ties to money from the Middle East in bid to buy TikTok.
  • Mnuchin assembling group of investors, including governments from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.
  • Chinese officials prefer to see TikTok banned in the U.S. rather than sold.
  • Mnuchin's previous actions and connections raise concerns over the potential acquisition.


  • Mnuchin's credibility as a buyer in complex situations is enhanced by his recent rescue of a troubled New York bank.
  • Potential sale could lead to increased security of Americans' personal data.


  • Concerns over potential ownership by a Trump ally backed by Saudi Arabia.
  • Scrutiny over Mnuchin's ties to Middle Eastern money and fundraising activities.