Deadly Maui Wildfires Investigation

Hawaii's attorney general blames delay in report on deadly Maui wildfires on county agencies, causing subpoenas to be issued. Investigation aims to prevent future tragedies. Lawsuits sent back to state court could lead to settlements. Thousands still displaced months after fire.

Key Points

  • Hawaii attorney general blames county agencies for delay in deadly Maui wildfires report
  • Investigation aims to analyze what happened and prevent similar incidents in the future
  • Lawsuits over the fire sent back to state court, potentially expediting settlements
  • Thousands still displaced months after the fire


  • Raising awareness about the challenges faced by Maui first responders
  • Pushing for a thorough and accurate investigation to prevent future tragedies
  • Potential for settlements in lawsuits to provide quicker relief for affected individuals


  • Delays in the release of the report due to slow responses from county agencies
  • Concerns about the independence of the state-led investigation