Deportations from the Dominican Republic amid Haiti's Crisis

Human rights activists are calling on the Dominican Republic to halt deportations as Haitians flee deadly gang violence. The Dominican government has deported over 23,900 people this year, with more than 4,500 deported this month. Gang attacks in Haiti have left thousands homeless and there are calls for foreign military intervention to address the crisis.

Key Points

  • Over 23,900 people deported from the Dominican Republic this year
  • More than 4,500 people deported in the current month
  • Gang attacks in Haiti leading to release of over 4,000 inmates and displacement of 17,000 people
  • Calls for foreign military intervention and UN-backed police deployment in Haiti
  • Plans for a transitional presidential council in Haiti to lead the country


  • Raising awareness about the challenges faced by Haitians fleeing gang violence
  • Highlighting the need for international support and intervention in the Haiti crisis


  • Allegations of abuse and mistreatment by Dominican authorities during deportations
  • Continuation of deportations despite calls to halt them due to the crisis in Haiti