Life-Extension and Aging Research

The article discusses how the superrich are investing in life-extension therapies, focusing on the biology of aging and potential interventions. It addresses the distortion of priorities in aging research due to private equity investments and emphasizes the importance of diet, exercise, and sleep for longevity.

Key Points

  • Private equity investments may distort priorities in aging research
  • Diet, exercise, and sleep are currently the best interventions for longevity
  • Future longevity interventions may exacerbate inequalities between the rich and the poor


  • Provides insights into the biology of aging and potential life-extension interventions
  • Raises awareness about the distortion of priorities in aging research due to private equity investments
  • Emphasizes the role of diet, exercise, and sleep in promoting longevity


  • Raises concerns about the unequal distribution of future longevity interventions, potentially widening the gap between the rich and the poor