Mexican President praises Pancho Villa for 1916 attack on Columbus, New Mexico

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador praised Mexican revolutionary Francisco "Pancho" Villa for his 1916 attack on Columbus, New Mexico, which killed 18 Americans. The attack was seen as a daring act of resistance against imperialism.

Key Points

  • President Andrés Manuel López Obrador praised Pancho Villa for the 1916 attack on Columbus, New Mexico
  • The attack killed 18 Americans and was seen as a daring act of resistance against imperialism
  • Historians have debated the reasons behind Villa's attack, linking it to a violent civil war in Mexico
  • The attack led to a military expedition by President Woodrow Wilson's administration


  • Recognition of historical figures and events
  • Highlighting acts of resistance against imperialism


  • Controversy surrounding the attack and its consequences