No Labels forming a bipartisan presidential ticket

No Labels, a centrist group, is moving towards launching a third-party presidential ticket by announcing a committee to vet candidates. The candidates must adhere to the group's core beliefs and endorse their policy booklet. No Labels aims to provide a bipartisan alternative to the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees in the 2024 election.

Key Points

  • No Labels is establishing a committee to vet candidates for a potential bipartisan presidential ticket
  • Candidates must adhere to the group's core beliefs and endorse their policy booklet
  • The aim is to present a unity ticket as an alternative to the major party nominees


  • Provides a bipartisan alternative to traditional party nominees
  • Focuses on country over political party demands
  • Includes a diverse committee to vet potential candidates


  • May face challenges gaining widespread support
  • Could be seen as a spoiler in the election
  • Some potential candidates have declined involvement