Suspension of Eylon Levy, English-language Government Spokesman

Prominent English-language government spokesman Eylon Levy has been suspended for responding to a tweet by UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron regarding aid trucks entering Gaza. Levy's suspension comes amidst tensions with the UK government and internal pressure from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu.

Key Points

  • Eylon Levy suspended for responding to a tweet by UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron about aid trucks entering Gaza.
  • British Foreign Office raised concerns about Levy's tweet attacking Cameron.
  • Levy had been critical of the Prime Minister and participated in protests against the judicial overhaul.
  • Levy had been a journalist and adviser to President Isaac Herzog before becoming the government spokesman.


  • Levy has been providing an erudite defense of the Jewish state and Israeli activity on US and UK TV networks.


  • Levy's suspension indicates tensions with the UK government.
  • Internal pressure from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu may have influenced Levy's suspension.