2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

SOURCE www.yahoo.com
The presidential election is a close race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, with Biden slightly ahead among likely voters. The race is highly partisan, with Democrats favoring Biden and Republicans favoring Trump. Independents are evenly split. Public opinion can shift, and the outcome is determined by state-by-state races for electoral votes. Biden's approval rating is 47%, with more disapproving than approving. The poll shows potential concerns for Biden among younger voters, as they favor Trump more than expected.

Key Points

  • Biden slightly ahead among likely voters
  • Highly partisan race with Democrats favoring Biden and Republicans favoring Trump
  • Independents evenly split
  • Biden's approval rating at 47%, with more disapproving than approving
  • Potential concerns for Biden among younger voters


  • Detailed breakdown of poll results
  • Insights into voter demographics and preferences
  • Highlights potential areas of concern for Biden's campaign


  • Limited sample size may affect accuracy
  • Results may change as the election approaches