Biden's New Environmental Regulation on Gas-Powered Cars

President Joe Biden has issued new environmental regulations to phase out gas-powered cars, requiring American automakers to produce Electric Vehicles (EVs) by 2032. The regulation aims to have a majority of new cars sold be EVs or hybrids by that year.

Key Points

  • Biden's regulation aims for 56% of new cars to be EVs by 2032
  • Consumer Reports highlight issues with EVs including long charging times and battery problems
  • Car dealers and auto workers express concerns about customer demand and job security


  • Reduction of tailpipe pollution
  • Contribution to fighting global warming
  • Encouraging the growth of EV market and infrastructure


  • Consumer reports show more problems with EVs compared to gas-powered cars
  • Concerns about lack of interest among American consumers in EVs
  • Auto workers fearing job loss due to reduced manpower requirements in EV production