Debate over Christine Blasey Ford's Memoir and Brett Kavanaugh Accusations

Mark Judge and other Republicans criticize Christine Blasey Ford's new memoir, while corporate media praises it. Ford's book revolves around her 2018 accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, with no mention of Judge's 2022 memoir. Judge highlights witness tampering and extortion during Kavanaugh's confirmation process. Online Republicans debunk Ford's claims, emphasizing lack of evidence. Judge shares his struggles post-incident and contrasts his experience with Ford's current speaking fees.

Key Points

  • Christine Blasey Ford's memoir stirs controversy around her 2018 allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Mark Judge's memoir, The Devil's Triangle, is not acknowledged in the corporate media's coverage of Ford's book.
  • Allegations of witness tampering and extortion tactics surface during Kavanaugh's confirmation process.
  • Online Republicans dispute Ford's claims, emphasizing the absence of concrete evidence.
  • Mark Judge shares his ongoing struggles post-incident and contrasts his situation with Ford's current financial success.


  • Corporate media praises Christine Blasey Ford's memoir as a powerful recount of the events surrounding Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation.
  • Mark Judge sheds light on witness tampering and extortion tactics during Kavanaugh's confirmation process.


  • Online Republicans criticize Ford's book, highlighting lack of evidence and debunking her claims.
  • Mark Judge feels marginalized and neglected by the media, contrasting his struggles with Ford's lucrative speaking fees.