Donald Trump's Response to Civil Fraud Case in New York

Donald Trump may be considering doing nothing in response to a civil fraud case against him in New York, as he struggles to raise a $454 million bond. Options include a Chapter 11 filing or letting the deadline pass, risking seizure of his assets by the New York Attorney General. Trump believes he could recover the assets on appeal, but doing nothing poses its own risks.

Key Points

  • Struggle to raise $454 million bond in civil fraud case.
  • Options include Chapter 11 filing or letting deadline pass.
  • Belief that assets could be recovered on appeal.
  • Potential consequences on business in New York.


  • Trump may have a strong case to recover assets on appeal.


  • Risk of New York AG seizing Trump's bank accounts or buildings.
  • Potential chilling effect on business in New York if decision not overturned.