Formation of Transitional Presidential Council in Haiti Amidst Gang Violence

Caribbean leaders are forming a transitional presidential council to select an interim prime minister for Haiti amidst escalating gang violence. Various groups and political parties have submitted nominees, with one party declining a seat. The situation in Haiti remains tense and volatile, with ongoing attacks by armed gangs resulting in casualties and displacement of thousands of people.

Key Points

  • Various groups and political parties have submitted nominees for the transitional presidential council in Haiti
  • Gang violence in Haiti has escalated, resulting in attacks, casualties, and displacement of thousands of people
  • Efforts are being made to deploy a foreign armed force to address the security situation


  • Progress being made towards selecting an interim prime minister
  • Efforts to address the escalating gang violence through international intervention


  • Challenges in finalizing the council due to infighting among group leaders
  • Ongoing violence leading to casualties, displacement, and disruption of essential services