Glassdoor Revealing Users' Real Names

Glassdoor, a platform for anonymous workplace reviews, is reportedly revealing users' real names causing backlash over privacy concerns. The change came after integrating social features from Fishbowl, prompting fears of identity exposure.

Key Points

  • Glassdoor started revealing users' real names after integrating social features from Fishbowl.
  • Users were required to provide their full names, job titles, and employers for verification.
  • Users who didn't provide their full names were prompted to do so to verify their profiles.
  • Concerns arose over privacy implications and potential risks with employers due to the real name policy.
  • Glassdoor claims the new policy is to ensure authentic and candid conversations in a safe space.


  • Users can engage in authentic conversations with professionals and coworkers.
  • Users have the option to remain anonymous on both Glassdoor and Fishbowl.
  • The integration of social features enhances user experience.


  • Users' real names are being revealed without explicit consent.
  • Concerns over potential privacy violations due to the new policy.
  • Backlash and negative reactions from users on social media.