Impact of Haitian gangs and Clintons' rebuilding efforts in Haiti

Former NFL player Jack Brewer discusses the threat Haitian gangs pose to the community and raises concerns about the effectiveness of the Clintons' rebuilding efforts in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

Key Points

  • Haitian gangs pose a threat to the community.
  • Recovery efforts in Haiti post-2010 earthquake have faced challenges and controversies.
  • The Clintons' involvement in Haiti's recovery has been both praised and criticized.


  • Efforts to rebuild Haiti after the 2010 earthquake were supported by various organizations and raised significant funds.
  • The Clintons played a key role in the recovery efforts in Haiti.
  • The international community came together to provide aid and support to Haiti.


  • There are concerns about the effectiveness and transparency of the funds allocated for Haiti's recovery.
  • Critics raise questions about the Clintons' involvement and the outcomes of their initiatives in Haiti.
  • Allegations of corruption and mismanagement of funds in the rebuilding process.